Family Updates, Trends, Reviews & Tips


A Quick-Start Guide for Novice Investors

When it comes to investing, there's no one-size-fits-all approach. What might work for some investors may not be the best strategy for you. That's why it's important to get started with a quick-start guide that is tailored specifically to novice investors like...

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How to Modernize an Older House

Image Pixabay CC0 License Buying an older home brings many benefits; it is likely the house is more spacious than most modern properties and is located within an established community. But, buying an older home can have some disadvantages too. If you have purchased a...

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Spring cleaning – is a detox right for me?

Spring cleaning - is a detox right for me?

It's spring time and so many of us are finding things to clean out and ways to clean up our lives. Our bodies can be a part of that too - detoxing is a very popular way to do that! But, is enhancing your body's natural detoxing process right for you? Or are you...

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The Best Diet For High Energy Levels

The Best Diet For High Energy Levels

Suffering from low energy levels can have a severe impact on your quality of life, causing you to lack motivation, deny opportunities and potentially even cause more issues based on how you feel. Fortunately, it’s usually possible to eat your way to higher energy levels, as there are many foods that you can add to your diet to help improve your energy levels. So, if you’re interested in finding out more, then simply read on!

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How To Fuel Your Body For Ultimate Health

After all, eating can soothe, enliven, and nourish us. While most individuals gravitate to sweet, salty, or fatty delights for temporary relief, these foods are typically devoid of nutrition and leave us craving more.

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What is Melon’s House Party?

Even beyond morning routines, reducing screen time can help kids immensely, as allowing them to explore their creativity is more easily achieved when they aren’t eyes to the screens all day long.

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Buying a House? Here’s How to Stress Less

The process of buying a house can be pretty stressful, to say the least. Your home is likely to be the most expensive purchase you ever make, so it is not something you can do lightly, to say the least. You also want to choose the property that is as perfect for your family as possible, which can put even more pressure on you if you let it.

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7 Days Health Challange

Eating healthier
Maintaining an already healthy lifestyle
Practicing moderation with food, exercise & stress levels
Drinking enough water each day
Starting to exercise or find ways to exercise more
Improving your stress level and being happier

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